With a focus on people, animals and soil
Every day, we shape the world and our lives with every little choice we make. We can choose to go with the flow, or we can choose to strive for better. We made our choice a long time ago.
To always strive for the healthiest and most sustainable solutions for our production and our products – for the benefit of people, animals and plants. We do this, by having made the following choices:
100% organic ingredients in all our products
Our entire product line contains exclusively natural and certified organic ingredients.
The ingredients are sourced from suppliers with a particular focus on ecology and sustainability. We do this because we believe that through ecological and organic agriculture, we take part in creating a more fertile soil, reducing the use of chemical pesticides, meanwhile taking care of our groundwater and the nature that we all share.

Wind Energy, Climate Action and Climate Forestry
We intend to spare the environment as much as possible, while simultaneously, strengthening both the production and the investment in sustainable energy.
That is why we have:
Transitioned our total energy consumption to CO2-neutral energy, produced from Danish wind energy. The electricity we use is matched 100% with a certificate of origin on wind energy from Danish wind turbines. This way, we get electricity without CO2 emissions while investing in the development of, and the conversion to, sustainable energy.

Via our energy provider, we invest not only in wind energy, but also in a series of climate actions and initiatives, that help reduce the worlds collective CO2 emissions even further. This is done by supporting optimization projects that help with the development of sustainability in other parts of the world – particularly in developing countries. With these initiatives we invest in both the living standards for, and the development of, local communities within the scope of the projects.
In partnership with our energy provider, we have planted 50 new trees in Denmark, to help reduce atmospheric CO2. The Climate Forestry initiative has a focus both on Carbon storing through the absorption of CO2 by the trees
throughout their lifespan, and also on cultivating biodiversity by attracting various animals and fauna, and thus halting the decline in biodiversity.
The 50 trees that Biosa has invested in planting will, throughout their lifespan, absorb 132% of the CO2 that we were projected to emit in 2022. As a company we do what we can to make as many sustainable choices as possible, for the benefit of the nature that we all share.

"Green transition and the preservation of biodiversity have always been important key issues for Biosa. Therefore, we do what we can to support these areas, and make our footprint as green as possible."
- Eli Nielsen, CEO

With our certificates for Climate Action and Climate Forestry, we partake in supporting the following Sustainable Development Goals:

Goal 7: Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

Goal 13: Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Recycled and Recyclable packaging
We use bottles made from recycled PET-plastic (RPET) to reduce plastic waste. We encourage everyone to recycle the bottles after use, so that we all can help keep the circle of recycling moving. All the cardboard paper we use is, as much as possible, made from recycled cardboard, and can also be recycled.
We believe that, without a doubt, more can be done, and fortunately there are constantly new initiatives and solutions springing from many parts of the world.
That is why we intend to always stay up to date on the latest research and innovation, challenge conventional thinking, and inspire to aim for a healthier lifestyle for each other, our animals and our environment – through every choice we make, both big and small.