Biosa Global
Using nature's solutions to produce sustainable, ecological products
About Biosa Global
Biosa Global ApS is a Danish family business based in Frederiksværk, where we create products for people, animals, plants and soil. Our products are sold in more than 20 countries across the globe.
Biosa was founded in 2002 by Erik Nielsen, and since its inception, ecology and sustainability have played a crucial role in all aspects of the company and its activities.
Our products are produced through a gentle fermentation process. Fermentation is one of the oldest ways to preserve products, but the process also has a number of other benefits.
Read more about our production process here.
"Quality and sustainability are at the heart of our production. All our raw materials are organic and thoroughly tested - and we use recycled materials for all our packaging as far as possible"
- Eil Nielsen, CEO
Inspired by nature
Nature has a solution to everything. It provides the entire foundation of our diet, and solutions that enable all living organisms to digest food and absorb nutrients - it also has a solution for how our remnants are to be broken down and turned into new life. Our complex ecosystems are designed to ensure sustainability, and one of the most essential elements of those processes is microorganisms. They are part of countless processes. We use them in our products because they are both ingenious, efficient and sustainable at the same time.
"Our vision is to improve the health of humans, animals, plants and the environment, and actively contribute to creating a better and healthier world."
"We believe that with lactic acid bacteria we can make a difference in humans, animals and soil."
- Eli D. Nielsen, CEO Biosa Global
"Our mission is to create and offer the healthiest possible products for the benefit of humans, animals, plants and the environment through the development and production of products based on beneficial microorganisms and sustainable technologies."
Behind the name
Biosa comes from the Greek "bios," meaning "life," with an added A at the end to represent "agro" - a plot of land where a crop is grown. This name was created in honour of how important we believe the earth and its micro-life is.
The first product we developed was an organic soil improver for agriculture, the aptly-named Terra Biosa, followed by a specialized product for animal husbandry - Animal Biosa.
When our founder Erik turned his focus toward creating a product for humans, he wanted to emphasize the life, bacterial activity and vitality of the formula, thus Vita Biosa was born.
All of our products are created with a great passion for sustainability, and with the goal of harnessing the most fundamental essence of the natural cycle, bacteria, in order to create and support the development of new life.